To become a member

Large photos adhesion

The procedure to follow

To become a member of the FHCQ, a cooperative must first obtain the approval of their general assembly by way of a resolution. A copy of the resolution must accompany the duly completed application form. The application is then subject to approval by the FHCQ board of directors, provided the appropriate criteria are met.


Joining the FHCQ requires the cooperative to:

  • be incorporated with the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie;
  • be incorporated in accordance with the Law;
  • be headquartered and operate primarily within the FHCQ’s territory;
  • have applied for FHCQ membership;
  • adhere to FHCQ bylaws;
  • be accepted by the FHCQ board of directors;
  • subscribe for the requisite number of qualifying shares as required by Article 2.1 of the bylaws and pay for them as per Article 2.2;
  • pay the annual contribution as provided for by the general assembly;
  • take part in the activities and operations of the FHCQ;
  • comply with the provisions of section 232 of the Law.


Becoming a member also requires a cooperative to subscribe for 10 qualifying shares of ten dollars ($10.00) each.


Your cooperative will be called upon to renew its FHCQ membership every year. All you have to do is pay your annual membership contribution. Memberships run from January 1 to December 31.


$51.14 + taxes / unit for the first 50 units + $24.95 + taxes per additional unit

Cooperatives that pay this contribution are deemed members of the FHCQ and enjoy the following benefits:

  • The right to participate and vote at general meetings, conferences, etc.
  • Free consultations (online or by phone)
  • Free subscription to the CITÉCOOP magazine for all your tenants
  • Access to the Member Section on and a dedicated webpage for your coop
  • Attractive insurance rates: building, directors liability, personal property and auto
  • Training credits
  • AVANTAGES COOP card granting your cooperative and your tenants access to group purchasing benefits and rewards
  • Wide-ranging services specifically designed for housing cooperatives

For more information

Natalie Joseph
514-843-6929, ext. 1246