Our coop
Coopérative d’Habitation Du Nordet
We are located on the Plateau Mont-Royal, in the Milton Parc district, at the corner of Jeanne-Mance and Prince-Arthur W. streets, between the Place-des-Arts and Sherbrooke metro stations
We have nine buildings of three apartments each, divided into 24 3 ½ , et trois 4 ½.
Information for the candidates
We are looking for members who want to be actively involved in the Cooperative and in the Milton Parc Community, of which we are a part, which includes 15 housing cooperatives as well as non-profit organizations.
People interested in submitting their application can do so by completing this form. Don't forget to mention your email.
(For our Coop this form is the same as the CMP, http://www.miltonparc.org/).
Or write to us at: Comité Sélection Coop Du Nordet, C.P. 1203 Succursale Desjardins, Montréal (Québec) H5B 1C3.
It is important to provide a good reason for your request and to tell us about your strengths and abilities.
Those who are called for an interview will have to provide proof of income for the most recent tax year.
We keep applications for one year only, after which a new application must be sent to us if a person is still interested.